3. Consent, Use of Cookies and Disclosure of Your Personal Information
Consent is required for the collection of Personal Information and the subsequent use of disclosure of Personal Information. The form of consent may vary depending upon the circumstances and the type of Personal information obtained. Your agreement with our Terms of Use constitutes your consent to the collection and use of Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to use and disclose Personal Information without your knowledge or consent to the extent permitted by applicable laws.
If you wish to withdraw consent, you should give us reasonable advance notice. We will advise you of the likely consequences of your withdrawal of consent (e.g. without your personal contact information, you might not be able to take advantage of many of our services provided in the Site).

Use of Cookies

We use “cookies�? to collect information about your online activity on the Site. A cookie is a small text file created by the Site that is stored in your computer to provide a way for the Site to recognise you and keep track of your preferences. The cookie makes it convenient for you such that you do not have to retype the same information again when you revisit the Site or in filling electronic forms.
Most cookies we use are “session cookies�?, which will be deleted automatically from the hard disk of your computer at the end of the session.
You may choose not to accept cookies by turning off this feature in your web browser. Note that by doing so, you may not be able to use some of the features and functions in the Site.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We only use the Personal Information for the purposes indicated at the time you provide us with such information, and/or otherwise for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and/or as otherwise permitted by law. We may make available the Personal Information that you provide to us to our affiliates, agents, representatives, service providers and contractors for these purposes. We also reserve the right to disclose Personal information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to enforce our Terms of Use, take precautions against liability or harm, to investigate and respond to third-party claims or allegations, to respond to a court order or official requests, to protect our security or integrity and to protect the rights, property or safety of Qubit, our uses or others.
We may share your Personal Information with any financial dispute resolution authorities, and other law enforcement bodies, regulatory agencies, courts, arbitration bodies and dispute resolution schemes, as may be required by law.
If you request it in writing, we may share your Personal Information with your nominated advisers. Except where disclosure of your Personal Information is required by law or requested by you, we will generally require any third party which receives or has access to Personal Information to protect such Personal Information and to use it only to carry out the services they are performing for you or for us, unless otherwise required or permitted by law. We will ensure that any such third party is aware of our obligations under this Privacy Policy and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that contracts we enter with such third parties binds them to terms no less protective of any Personal Information disclosed to them than the obligations we undertake to you under this Privacy Policy or which are imposed on us under applicable data protection laws.
In the event that we are involved in a merger, acquisition, sale, bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, assignment or the application of laws or change of control, there may be a disclosure of your information to another entity related to such an event.
We reserve the right to retain and share certain Personal Information in order to meet our regulatory and statutory requirements. In addition, we reserve the right to retain and share certain Personal Information with our corporate partners, and third parties acting on behalf of us.
Personal Information and other related data may be exported outside of the jurisdiction in which you reside. Your Personal Information may be processed and stored in a foreign country or countries. Under those circumstances, the governments, courts, law enforcement or regulatory agencies of that country or those countries may be able to obtain access to your Personal Information through the applicable laws. You need to be aware that the privacy standards of those countries may be lower than those of the jurisdiction in which you reside. You should note that you are not obliged to give your Personal Information to us, but if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide our services, or your access to our services may be limited.
Binance Smart Chain and other public blockchains provide transparency into transactions and we are not responsible for preventing or managing information broadcasted on a blockchain.
Last modified 2mo ago